GCC Momentum Fund
Equity | Jan 2023
Fund Objective
Your journey in investment starts here
Fund Performance
Fund price performance
Rebased at $10 since inception
USD 11.81 Million
Net assets
USD 12.27
Securities Investment Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C.
Fund manager
Jan 2023
Fund inception
0.75% of net fund income
Management Fees
Subscription fees
Redemption fees
50 Units
Min. Subscription
Fund valuation
Gulf Custody Company K.S.C.C.
BDO Al Nisf & Partners
Fund Executive Committee Members
Awards & Recognitions
Important info
- Fund manager: Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C "Markaz". Kuwait City, Al Mirqab, Al Soor Street, Burj Alshaya, Floor 8, Tel: +965 2224 8000, P.O. Box 23444, Safat 13095, State of Kuwait
- Fund Executive Committee Members: Mohammed AlGhannam, Fahad Al Rushaid, Ghazi AlOsaimi
- To get a copy of the Fund’s Articles of Association, the subscription form and the financial statement of the fund, please view the resources section above.
This content is prepared for promotional purposes and has been approved by Markaz. This content does not disguise, diminish, or obscure important items from the investment subject of promotion. Investments in funds are subject to market risks. There can be no assurance or guarantee that the investment will produce any returns. Prospective Investors must therefore be aware of and understand that such investment carries a significant degree of risk of loss of their capital; the capital growth or dividend rate cannot be predicted or guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Before investing, prospective investors must carefully examine the Articles of Association and all Fund-related documents to be aware of the investment methods, including the merits and risks involved.