News & Events
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Energy Fund (Under Liquidation)
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", the liquidator of Markaz Energy Fund (Under Liquidation) would like to cordially invite its Unitholders to attend the Fund’s UAM on Wednesday, 13th of December 2023, at 11:00 am. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Al Mirqab, Block 1, Al-Soor Street, Burj Al-Shaya, 8th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Real Estate Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Real Estate Fund” to attend the meeting on Tuesday, 12th of December 2023, at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Al Mirqab, Block 1, Al-Soor Street, Burj Al-Shaya, 8th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund” to attend the meeting on Tuesday, 12th of December 2023, at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Al Mirqab, Block 1, Al-Soor Street, Burj Al-Shaya, 8th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Islamic Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Islamic Fund” to attend the meeting on Thursday, 25th of May 2023, at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held in Al Mirqab, Al Soor Street, Burj Alshaya, 8th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Mumtaz Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Mumtaz Fund” to attend the meeting on Thursday, 25th of May 2023, at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held in Al Mirqab, Al Soor Street, Burj Alshaya, 8th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Forsa Financial Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Forsa Financial Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 24th of May 2023, at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held in Al Mirqab, Al Soor Street, Burj Alshaya, 8th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Investment & Development Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Investment & Development Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 24th of May 2023, at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held in Al Mirqab, Al Soor Street, Burj Alshaya, 8th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund” to attend the meeting on Monday, 19th of December 2022, at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Islamic Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Real Estate Fund” to attend the meeting on Monday, 19th of December 2022, at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Mumtaz Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Mumtaz Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 14th of December 2022, at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Islamic Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Islamic Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 14th of December 2022, at 2:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Energy Fund.
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Energy Fund” to attend the meeting on Sunday, 20th of November 2022, at 12:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Forsa Financial Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Forsa Financial Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 20th of April 2022, at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Investment & Development Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Investment & Development Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 20th of April 2022, at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Energy Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Energy Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 10th of November 2021, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Idikhar Fund (Under Liquidation)
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", the liquidator of Markaz Idikhar Fund (under liquidation) would like to cordially invite its Unitholders to attend the Fund’s UAM on Sunday , 25th of July 2021, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held through "Zoom".
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Real Estate Fund” to attend the meeting on Tuesday, 13th of July 2021, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held online using “Zoom”.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Investment & Development Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Investment & Development Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 16th of June 2021, at 11:00 am. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Fund for Excellent Yields (MUMTAZ)”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Fund for Excellent Yields (MUMTAZ)” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 16th of June 2021, at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Islamic Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Islamic Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 16th of June 2021, at 2:00 pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Forsa Financial Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Forsa Financial Fund” to attend the meeting on Monday, 10th of May 2021, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Idikhar Fund (Under Liquidation)
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Idikhar Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday , 29th of March 2021, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held through Zoom.
Invitation to attend the first meeting of the Bondholders Association of Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. with a value of KD 35 million issued on December 20, 2020
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz" would like to cordially invite the holders of the bonds issued on December 20, 2020, with a value of thirty five million Kuwaiti dinars, due on 20 December 2025, to attend the first meeting of the Bondholders’ Association on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 1:00 PM, at the Markaz’s headquarter, located in Sharq – Block (1) – Ahmad Al Jaber Street - Universal Tower – Floor 9.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Idikhar Fund (Under Liquidation)
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Idikhar Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 16th of March 2020, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Energy Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Energy Fund” to attend the meeting on Sunday, 13th of December 2020, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 9th of December 2020, at 2:00pm. The meeting will be held online using “Zoom”.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Real Estate Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 9th of December 2020, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held online using “Zoom”.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Forsa Financial Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Forsa Financial Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 25th of November 2020, at 2:00pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Investment & Development Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Investment & Development Fund” to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 25th of November 2020, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Fund for Excellent Yields (MUMTAZ)”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Fund for Excellent Yields (MUMTAZ)” to attend the meeting on Monday, 23rd of November 2020, at 2:00pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of “Markaz Islamic Fund”
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of “Markaz Islamic Fund” to attend the meeting on Monday, 23rd of November 2020, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held online using an electronic system by Kuwait Clearing Company.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Idikhar Fund (Under Liquidation)
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Idikhar Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Sunday , 16th of August 2020, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held through Zoom.
Annual General Assembly and Extra Ordinary General Meeting of Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz"
The Board of Directors are pleased to invite you to the Annual General Assembly and Extra Ordinary General Meeting of Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C "Markaz". The AGM will take place on Tuesday 28th April 2020 at 11:00am at Al Nada Tower, Ground Floor, Dasman. In case quorum is not attained, the adjourned AGM and EGM will be held on Tuesday 5th May 2020 at the same time and place.
Shareholders or their representatives are kindly requested to contact Markaz at 22248036 or 22248041 or 22248055 to receive the Invitation and proxy forms, the Agendas and the Board of Directors’ report, starting from Tuesday 7th April 2020.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Idikhar Fund (Under Liquidation)
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Idikhar Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 16th of March 2020, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Markaz invites candidates for Board Membership Election
Markaz announces the start of candidacy for election to the Board of Directors for a period of two weeks from the date of this announcement.
Anyone who wishes to nominate themselves for the position of a member of the Board of Directors, may apply by filling the CMA’s Nomination Form, provided they meet the requirements of the Fit and Proper Rules per CMA Law 7/2010, the Companies Law and the Articles of Association of the Company.
The Nomination Form should be submitted along with the required documents to the Company at the following address:
Kuwait Financial Centre K.S.P.C. (“Markaz”)
Sharq – Ahmad Al-Jaber Street – Universal Tower – 9th floor
8:00 AM until 3:00 PM
From 7th January 2020 until 21st January 2020
For more information, please contact the Board Secretariat office at +965 22248036.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Investment & Development Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Investment & Development Fund to attend the meeting on Monday, 2nd of December 2019, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, November 18, 2019, at 2:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in
Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Energy Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Energy Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, November 18, 2019, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Forsa Financial Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Forsa Financial Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, September 23, 2019, at 1:30pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in
Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Mumtaz Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Mumtaz Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, September 23, 2019, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Islamic Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Islamic Fund to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 28th of August 2019, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Islamic Fund to attend the meeting on Monday, 15th of July 2019, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Annual General Assembly of Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz"
The Board of Directors are pleased to invite you to the Annual General Assembly for Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C "Markaz" to discuss the financial statements for the year ending on December 31st 2018.
The AGM will take place on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at 10:00am and will be held at the Public Authority for Industry, South Surra, Ground Floor, Auditorium (3).
Shareholders or their representatives wishing to attend the AGM are kindly requested to go to Kuwait Clearing Company – Sharq- Ahmad Tower – 5th floor – Telephone number 22464585 to receive the attendance invitation, the agenda, and the Board of Directors’ report, starting from Tuesday 19th March 2019.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Islamic Fund to attend the meeting on Wednesday, 19th of December 2018, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jaber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, November 5, 2018, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Mumtaz Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Mumtaz Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Energy Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Energy Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Forsa Financial Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Forsa Financial Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, April 30, 2018, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of MIDAF Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of MIDAF Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, April 30, 2018, at 1:30pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, April 2, 2018, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Idikhar Fund (Under Liquidation)
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Idikhar Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 26th of March 2018, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Annual General Assembly of Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz"
The Board of Directors are pleased to invite you to the Annual General Assembly for Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C "Markaz" to discuss the financial statements for the year ending on December 31st 2017.
The AGM and EGM will take place on Wednesday 14th March 2018 at 11:00am and will be held at the Public Authority for Industry, South Surra, Ground Floor, Auditorium (3).
Shareholders or their representatives wishing to attend the AGM are kindly requested to go to Kuwait Clearing Company – Sharq- Ahmad Tower – 5th floor – Telephone number 22464585 to receive the attendance invitation, the agenda, and the Board of Directors’ report, starting from Thursday 22nd February 2018.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Energy
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Energy Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Wednesday, December 20th, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Fund Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Real Estate Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 18th of December 2017, at 11:00am. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM # 2 for year 2017 on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 16th of October 2017, at 11:00am. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to attend the Unitholders Assembly Meeting (“UAM”) of Markaz Real Estate Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Real Estate Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 16th of October 2017, at 11:30am. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to Attend Unitholders Assembly Meeting ("UAM") of Forsa Financial Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of ‘Forsa Financial Fund’ to attend the Fund’s UAM on Wednesday, July 12th, 2017, at 1:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to Attend Unitholders Assembly Meeting ("UAM") of Markaz Islamic Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of ‘Markaz Islamic Fund’ to attend the Fund’s UAM on Wednesday, July 12th, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to Attend Unitholders Assembly Meeting ("UAM") of Markaz Investment and Development Fund ("MIDAF")
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Investment and Development Fund “MIDAF” to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, July 10th, 2017, at 1:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to Attend Unitholders Assembly Meeting ("UAM") of Markaz Mumtaz Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of ‘Markaz Mumtaz Fund’ to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, July 10th, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Annual General Assembly of Kuwait Financial Centre "Markaz"
We are pleased to invite you to the Annual General Assembly and the Extraordinary General Assembly for Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C "Markaz" to discuss the financial statements for the year ending on December 31st 2016.
The AGM and EGM will take place on Wednesday 19th of April 2017 at 9:30am and will be held at the Public Authority for Industry, South Surra, Ground floor, Auditorium (3).
Invitation to Attend Unitholders Assembly Meeting ("UAM") of Markaz Islamic Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Islamic Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 6th of February 2017, at 1:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 9th floor.
Invitation to Attend Unitholders Assembly Meeting ("UAM") of Markaz Idikhar Fund
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. "Markaz", would like to cordially invite the Unitholders of Markaz Idikhar Fund to attend the Fund’s UAM on Monday, 23rd of January 2017, at 1:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held at Markaz premises, located in Sharq, Ahmad Al-Jabber Street, Universal Tower, 2nd floor.
Markaz invites candidates for Board Membership Election
Kuwait Financial Centre K.P.S.C. ‘Markaz’ announces the opening of candidacy for the membership of the Company’s Board of Directors, within two weeks from the date of publishing this announcement.
For those wishing to apply and meeting the requirements under the rules of competence and integrity in the fifth book and governance rules in the fifteenth book of the Executive Bylaws of Law No. 7 of 2010 regarding the establishment of the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) and regulating securities activities and its amendments, please complete the Board Nomination Form prepared by CMA, and send it to the Company's headquarter in:
Kuwait Financial Centre K.S.P.C. “Markaz”
Sharq – Ahmad Al-Jaber Street – Universal Tower – 9th floor
From 8am to 3pm, from Sunday to Thursday
Accompanied with all the supporting documents, during the period mentioned above.
For more information, please contact the Board Secretary’s office on (965) 22248000 Ex. (1005)